Focus on the basics and ignore the complex

Sergey Zuev
1 min readSep 4, 2021

I can’t stop thinking about this one idea I heard from Sam Ovens.


Almost always, achieving big results is not about finding some complex tactics.

It’s about becoming really fucking great at implementing the basics.

Let’s take fat loss as an example.

It’s not about intermittent fasting, bulletproof coffee, or whatever is the latest fad.

It’s about caloric deficit, sleep quality and sufficient protein/exercise to avoid muscle loss.

The rest is noise, a distraction.

At best, they will give you 20% of the results, while distracting from the core 80%.

But our mind likes complexity, it looks for cool new concept that will help us achieve the result.

While what it’s actually about is finding the basics that work, and putting all of your focus and effort into implementing them at the highest possible level.

Same with business, relationships, everything.

Find the basics that work and become the best possible implementer of these basics.

